
的 英国威廉希尔中文网站, 在公共安全办公室的协助下,制定了有关校园社区的政策和法规. 的se are enacted to minimize and prevent losses due to criminal activity, damage to University and personal property, and serious injury to members of the campus community. 校园社区的每个成员都有责任遵守这些政策和规定,并在发生违规行为时指出. Students may think some regulations are unfair or restrictive to their pursuit of fun. 如果校园社区的成员对特定政策有疑问,请随时联系公共安全办公室.


学生手册 provides comprehensive information regarding University processes and policies.


  • 酒精饮料
    University Policy does permit the possession, 消费, use or sale of alcoholic beverages on campus, under limited conditions and restrictions. 的 full text of the University alcohol policy can be found by visiting the Alcohol Policy section of the website. 印第安纳州有关购买和持有酒精饮料的法律将在校园内得到遵守. 的se laws may be enforced by University staff or local or 状态 authorities.

  • 药物使用
    非法制造, 分布, 豁免, 绝对禁止在大学内拥有或使用受管制的物质. Violations of this policy will result disciplinary action, up to and including termination, and may have legal consequences.

  • 参考文献
    Refer to the 学生手册, 员工手册, 关于在校园使用毒品和酒精的完整政策的教员和管理员手册.

  • 教育
    的 University Counseling Center, 健康与健康中心和健康教育健康项目协调员可为大学社区成员提供评估和援助. 针对酒精和毒品相关问题的教育项目是由宿舍生活共同赞助的, the Office of 公共安全, the Health and Wellness Center, the Counseling Center and the coordinator of Health 教育/Wellness programs


英国威廉希尔中文网站允许学生社区使用校园场地进行各种类型的户外活动. 然而,有些活动受到某些限制,有些活动是被禁止的.

  • Bike Riding and Roller-blading

    • 早上7:30前,在红、绿停车场允许骑自行车和滑旱冰.m. 下午5点以后.m., Monday - Friday, and 24 hours a day Saturday and Sunday.
    • Bike riding and Roller-blading is permitted in all other areas of campus 24 hours a day.
    • 的se activities are not allowed in any University building. Please stay off bikes and take off your blades while inside buildings.
  • Skateboarding and Roller-skating
    Because of the University's concern for the safety of the individual skater, campus pedestrians and possible damage to University property, skateboarding and roller-skating is strictly prohibited on campus property.

  • 跳跃和特技
    是否骑自行车, roller-blading or skateboarding, using campus structures or landscaping as ramps or jumps is strictly prohibited. This damages campus property and detracts from the campus appearance. 任何被发现违反这一限制的人都可能对校园财产的损害负责.

  • 用粉笔写
    用粉笔写 is permitted on sidewalks only. 违反此政策的组织可能会受到学生参与中心的制裁. For the complete chalking guidelines, refer to the Student Activities and Organizations section of the 学生手册.

  • Hover boards and similar devices
    Due to potential fire hazards, 英国威廉希尔中文网站从1月7日起暂时禁止所有悬浮板和类似设备进入校园,并批准了大学住房, 2016. This includes campus walkways, 停车场, 学生宿舍, 村庄性质, 还有兄弟会住房. This policy applies to all staff, students, and visitors. 随着降低火灾风险的设备得到改进,该政策将被重新审视.


大多数校园建筑和设施在正常营业时间内对校园社区成员和客人和访客开放, 星期一至星期五. 在学年期间, 一些大楼每周七天延长开放时间,让学生可以使用这些大楼里的学术计算机实验室. 如果有特殊活动,一些建筑在周末会限时开放. After buildings have been secured, 在特定建筑物内工作的员工,如果获得了建筑物的适当钥匙,或者获得了具有电子卡访问功能的建筑物的下班后电子卡访问权限,则可以进入该建筑物. 如果学生获得了由适当的教员批准的有效的书面通行证,他们可以在关闭后进入学术实验室. 必须联系公共安全办公室,以便安全官员可以满足学生进入实验室的要求. Upon presentation of a valid pass to the officer, along with a student identification card, the student can be granted entry into the building and the lab by the officer.

Please allow for a 5-10-minute response time before getting impatient. Security personnel may be coming from across campus or handling another call. 由于可能发生的紧急情况,不能保证保安人员在指定的时间到达指定的地点. 的refore do not call as if to schedule a time for security personnel to meet you.


的 Office of 公共安全 enforces all federal, 状态, 有关拥有和/或使用枪支的地方法规和大学规章, 弹药, 爆炸装置, 烟花, or other potentially lethal weapons. 所有这些物品在大学拥有或控制的财产上都是严格禁止的,无论联邦或州是否颁发了拥有这些物品的许可证. 任何违反这些法规和条例的行为都可能导致纪律处分和刑事起诉.

What is a considered a weapon or explosive?

  • Any firearm or device such as a handgun, 步枪, 散弹枪, pistol or blowgun that can launch a projectile.
  • 超过四英寸长的刀片或任何带有威胁或身体伤害意图的锋利物品.
  • 用来造成伤害或身体伤害的钝器或任何意图威胁或造成身体伤害的钝器.
  • ANY item used with the intent to threaten or do bodily harm.
  • Explosives are any device designed to explode, 定时或熔合, that would cause serious damage or bodily harm.
  • All 烟花 are covered under this policy including sparklers.


  • Regulations are in effect 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • Speed limit on campus is 10 m.p.h.
  • Reserved spaces (handicap, loading, unloading, etc.) are reserved 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
  • 在人行横道和服务车辆使用的人行道上,行人有优先通行权.
  • Barricaded areas are not to be entered.
  • All permit holders must park in their assigned parking areas.
  • 如许可证持有人因机械故障而无法将车辆移离限制区, the Office of 公共安全 must be notified immediately by the permit holder, and the vehicle must be moved to a proper lot within 24 hours. 延长24小时的期限必须得到公共安全署长的批准.
  • 即使你有有效的停车许可证,也不要使用学校的财产作为无牌或不能使用的车辆的存放场所.
  • No parking is allowed on sidewalks, lawns, loading zones, or other restricted zones.
  • Do not block service drives, entrances, and parking lot exits.
  • All cars must be parked within the painted lines that indicate parking stall.
  • 如果发生改变其停车资格分类的情况,许可证持有人必须通知公共安全办公室.