
英国威廉希尔中文网站有一个紧急警报/恶劣天气通知计划. This plan is intended for the immediate transmission of specific information regarding an emergency to all affected areas of the University. 它可能包括天气相关信息, 学校关闭信息, or other emergency situations requiring the securing or 疏散 of the campus facilities. 紧急信息发送给学生, 教职员工通过启动ACE警报紧急系统. 当ACE警报紧急系统启动时, 通知信息通过以下方式发送:拨打校园IP话机, 短信, emails, 校园住房扬声器系统, Visix数字标牌, AlertUS桌面在校园拥有的电脑上.

Upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on the campus, 大学将会, 及时, 考虑到社区的安全, determine the content of the notification and initiate the Emergency Alert/恶劣天气 Notification Plan, 除非通知, 在主管部门的专业判断中, 妥协努力去帮助或控制受害者, 回复, 或者缓解紧急情况.

如果校园社区的安全受到威胁, 公共安全局局长, 或其指定人员, 联系学生事务副主席, 或其指定人员 and the initial information is reviewed for confirmation of the threat and necessary and needed communications is determined. 一经确认,将采取适当的通知方法. 如果威胁能蔓延到校园之外, 大学关系处将通知当地广播电台和电视台. This notification will provide specific instructions relative to the emergency including instruction to seek appropriate shelter, 疏散, 或其他适当的行动. 在某些情况下, the university may enlist the assistance of the assigned Building Safety Coordinators for each building, 如有必要,加快行动.


在受到威胁(与天气无关)的紧急情况下, 在IP电话和外部通知系统上播放可听到的声音. 当汽笛响起, the campus community should consult their text messaging or email for information about the active threat. 你可以听到下面的语气. (Note: Residence Hall sirens will sound in the event of a weather related emergency such as a tornado warning).



注册UE ACE警报紧急消息. 在你的手机上设置紧急信息. 使用您的UE邮箱地址和密码登录. You can edit your cell phone number and add an additional cell phone numbers and email addresses.


Rave Guardian, a campus safety app, transforms mobile phones into personal safety devices.

Guardian通过一个虚拟的朋友安全网络来加强校园安全, family, 以及公共安全办公室. 功能包括:

  1. UE Emergency Line: Direct immediate connection to campus safety with GPS location and personal profile information. 你手里拿着的是蓝光紧急电话!
  2. 个人监护人:学生可以确定朋友、室友和家人作为“监护人”。.
  3. 安全计时器:监护人可以检查学生的状态. 如果狂欢守护者定时器在过期前没有停用, the selected guardian can contact 公共安全 and provide the start location and end destination. 警察会检查该地区是否有学生.
  4. 聊天:随时发短信给公共安全调度中心.


在Guardian App中安装和设置你的个人资料很容易.

  • Search for the “Rave Guardian” in the Apple App Store for iPhone or Google Play Store for Android phones. 您也可以扫描相应的二维码:
  • Open the app and input your phone number (You must be registered for AceAlerts for Guardian to confirm your access and identity)
  • 确认您的帐户

一旦您的帐户是活跃的, 通过添加你的照片来完善你的个人资料, 紧急威廉希尔中文网, 健康信息, 以及您的车辆信息. This info will immediately be visible to the dispatcher after you contact 公共安全 via the app features, 帮助确保适当的信息传递给响应人员.


  1. 谁可以使用锐舞守护者?
  2. RAVE Guardian是否发送AceAlert紧急短信?
  3. Rave Guardian一直在跟踪我吗?
  4. 公共安全办公室或大学可以随时追踪我吗?
  5. 当我的安全计时器到期时,是否会通知公共安全办公室?
  6. Rave Guardian会让我的家人或朋友等其他人跟踪我吗?
  7. 如果我忘了关掉安全计时器怎么办?
  8. 通过锐舞守护者发送的消息是匿名的吗?
  9. 我的个人资料如何被收集并发送到公共安全办公室?
  10. 我的Rave Guardian档案安全吗?
  11. Rave Guardian在校外工作吗?
  12. 如果我不使用这个应用程序,我还能联系公共安全办公室吗?
  13. Rave Guardian是否与任何手机供应商合作?
  14. 我必须为《威廉希尔中文网》打开“推送通知”吗?
  15. 是否有某些因素会影响定位精度??
  16. 如果我不再是英国威廉希尔中文网站的学生或员工, 我的个人信息是否仍然可用, 我是否可以使用卫报的服务?

The application is available for use by all currently registered 英国威廉希尔中文网站 students and current employees. Subscribers to the application must use a 英国威廉希尔中文网站 email address to login.
RAVE Guardian是否发送AceAlert紧急短信?
Yes. But we recommend you still enroll into AceAlert to have redundancy of receiving the messages. 要注册,请访问 www.埃文斯维尔.edu/rave
Rave Guardian一直在跟踪我吗?
No. 你的隐私至关重要. 只有当你请求帮助时,他们才能找到你. Rave Guardian location information is only enabled when you choose to make an emergency call or send a tip to the Office of 公共安全.
No. Rave Guardian location information is only activated when the location setting is enabled on your smartphone.
No. 公共安全办公室不能被指定为你的监护人. 只有你的私人联系人才能被指定为你的监护人.
Rave Guardian会让我的家人或朋友等其他人跟踪我吗?
Yes, 如果你指派"守护者"在任何个人, “定时”用法, 他们将有能力跟踪你的状态. 但请记住,您可以完全控制此功能. 它只有在你编程的时候才能工作. 你必须请求他们做你的守护者. 《威廉希尔中文网》将收到带有下载应用链接的短信邀请. 他们必须接受你成为守护者. 与英国威廉希尔中文网站无关的监护人被称为“社会监护人”.“他们将没有应用程序的UE紧急热线或聊天功能.
When using the safety timer, the user will receive a reminder text message 5 minutes before expiring. 如果过期, a message immediately goes to your chosen guardian(s) and they can call your cell phone.
No. Any tips sent through Guardian will provide the sender’s information to the Office of 公共安全.
You will opt in for this service and provide as much information as you like during the registration process. 最大限度地发挥这项服务的全部效益, 您的用户配置文件应包含当前照片和准确的自我描述. 您在个人资料中提供的信息越多, 警察就会更容易在必要时找到你. The only way the Office of 公共安全 will be able to see any information in your personal profile is if you make an emergency call or activate the Chat feature. 个人资料将被视为保密资料.

提示:您提供的信息越多, 在紧急情况下,协助你的官员就越清楚他们是否需要帮助你. 至少, 你应该包括你的地址(家庭和学校), 你的外貌描述和近照. If you have health issues or other personal safety concern, you can include that information as well. 你决定你提供什么.
我的Rave Guardian档案安全吗?
Yes. Rave Mobile Safety (the provider of Rave Guardian) uses the latest in security technologies and processes to ensure that all your information is kept secure and private. Rave还会定期进行安全审计,以确保数据的安全.
Rave Guardian在校外工作吗?
Yes, the Chat feature works whether you are on- or off-campus; however, 如果你在校外有紧急情况, 你应该拨911. UE紧急线路功能仅在校园1英里范围内有效. 如果你寄的是校外的小费, 这些信息将被转发给校外执法机构.
绝对. When on-campus, you can contact 公共安全 at 812-488-2051 or use any blue light phone. 你也可以走进我们的办公室,在综合服务大楼. 弗雷德里克·圣.
Rave Guardian是否与任何手机供应商合作?
The basic profile features of Rave Guardian work on any iPhone or Android smartphone running on any U.S.安装了该应用程序的美国移动运营商网络. Rave Guardian可以定位AT上的大多数智能手机设备&T, Sprint和Verizon网络. 即使Rave Guardian不能确定你手机的位置, all other profile information will be made available to the Office of 公共安全 when you use Rave Guardian.
我们建议您允许Rave Guardian的通知. 这将在计时器即将到期时提醒您, 当你收到公共安全办公室的消息时, 或者当有人请求你做监护人的时候.
Yes. Factors include but are not limited to: whether or not you are calling from inside a building or a “dead spot;” the strength of your cell signal, such as proximity of cell towers or satellites; whether or not your phone is GPS enabled and the type and quality of your phone; carrier and signal. 如果可能的话,您应该通过文本或语音提供详细的位置信息. This will enable the Office of 公共安全 personnel to reach you quickly when Rave Guardian is activated.
如果我不再是英国威廉希尔中文网站的学生或员工, 我的个人信息是否仍然可用, 我是否可以使用卫报的服务?