为什么学习 德国?

  1. Like to get a lot for less? Get access to three cultures by learning one language.

  2. Do you want to intern or work in Europe or with European or international companies located in 德国y either during your college career or postgraduation?

    • There are more 德国 native speakers than 西班牙语 or 法国 speakers in the European Union.
    • 德国 is a common language of business in Central and Western Europe.
  3. Do you want to go to graduate school in Europe for about $500 dollars a semester?

    • Enroll in a 德国 University for a graduate degree! (Many Nobel Prize winners in literature, chemistry, physics, and biology did.)
  4. Do you want to work, live, communicate in Japan without learning a different alphabet?

    • 学习德语! Almost 70 percent of Japanese students do.
  5. 喜欢阅读?

    • 读卡夫卡, 尼采, 康德, 巴赫曼, 海森堡, Celan, 狼, Schami, 赫塔·米勒, Elfriede Jelink, Tawada in the original!
    • Not all books are translated into English. Access 德国 literature and world literature in 德国 translation!
  6. Majoring in anything but 德国?

  7. Majoring in Political Science or 国际 Studies?

  8. Majoring in Science?

  9. Majoring in Engineering?

  10. Majoring in Business?

  11. Interested in Film?

    • Understand Fritz Lang, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 维姆·文德斯, 汤姆Tykwer, Fatih类似, 狼gang Becker, Dorris Dorrie, Caroline Fink films without subtitles!
    • Explore the culture of 德国, Swiss and 奥地利n émigré Hollywood actors, celebrities (from Marlene Dietrich to Franka Potente to Heidi Klum and Arnold Schwarzenegger) and directors (Lang, 怀尔德, 卢比西, 赫尔佐格, 狼gang Peterson, Michael Haneke).
  12. 喜欢音乐?