Rob Montgomery

Dr. Rob Montgomery

Professor of Marketing

Room 115, Schroeder School of Business Building


Rob Montgomery is Professor of Marketing at the University of Evansville where he has served on the faculty since 1998. 在UE之前, Rob was Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of North Carolina Pembroke for five years. Rob received his DBA and MBA at Mississippi State University and his BSBA from the University of Southern Indiana.

Rob has taught nearly every marketing course at one time or another. 目前, he teaches EMBA Global Marketing, Principles of Marketing, Personal Selling, Marketing Management, and Marketing Research.

Rob's current research interests include The Hunting Consumer and Thrift Store Marketing. His research has appeared in the Journal of Marketing Management, Great Ideas for Teaching Marketing, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, The Sports Journal, Journal for Economics Educators, Journal of Ministry Marketing Management, Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, The Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 和其他人.

Peer Reviewed Journals

  • 米切尔,米.A.特纳,G. 蒙哥马利R.D., and Hartley H. (2016) “Field Trip! Assessing Business Student Interest in Plant Tours and Their Product Categories,” Atlantic Marketing Journal. 5 (3): 93-112
  • Montgomery, R. D.施瓦茨B.J. and 米切尔,米.A. (2016) “Examining the Cross-Cultural Dimensionality of Prestige Sensitivity: An Empirical Analysis of Chinese and American Millennials,” Journal of East-West Business. 22 (2): 118-143
  • 米切尔,米.A. & 蒙哥马利R.D.; (2015) “Beer and Ball on 校园? The Issue of In-Stadium Alcohol Sales,” The Sport Journal, 2月
  • Montgomery, R.D., 米切尔,米. & 劳赫D.A. (2009). Toward an Understanding of Thrift Store Donors. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 14 (3), pp. 255-269.
  • Montgomery, R.D. & 布莱洛克的,米.G. (2005). The Effect of PowerPoint on Student Performance in Principles of Economics. The Journal of Economic Educators, 5(1), pp. 1-7.