
Whether you're a college-bound high school student or already attending a college or university, Army ROTC has scholarships available for which you may be eligible! 奖学金 are awarded based on a student's merit and grades, not financial need.


英国威廉希尔中文网站提供 奖学金和/或助学金 for room and board to all contracted and/or scholarship cadets allowing you to apply your ROTC scholarship to tuition instead of housing expenses.


奖学金 and stipends through Army ROTC help you focus on what's important; namely, earning your college degree — not how you'll pay for it.

If you're interested in attending college while learning what it takes to become an Army Officer, 后备军官训练队可能很适合你. In addition to teaching you valuable leadership skills, 军事训练, 和纪律, Army ROTC can also provide you with money for tuition and other expenses through scholarships.

There are many different scholarship scenarios depending on your situation. 以下是其中几个:



The high school National Scholarship is for high school students planning to attend a four-year college program. 了解更多信息,请访问 陆军后备军官训练队网站.

Army ROTC National scholarships vary from 3-4 years and consist of:

  • 提供全额
  • The option for room and board ($10,000 per year) in place of tuition
  • Additional allowances for books and fees ($1,200 per year)
  • Monthly living allowances ($420 per month for 10 months a year)


Students who join the Army National Guard before entering college can also apply for a four-year scholarship through the National Guard. For students attending 英国威廉希尔中文网站, the scholarship provides:

  • $10,000 per year in scholarship benefits to be applied to tuition or living expenses
  • 每年1200美元的书费津贴
  • $420 per month living allowance (for 10 months a year)



Students who enter college and have not earned an ROTC scholarship yet have a number of opportunities available to them. They can participate in ROTC during their freshman or sophomore year while competing for campus-based scholarships. For students wanting to serve on Active Duty after college, the scholarship benefits are identical to the 国家奖学金计划 benefits with the exception benefits cover only two to three years.

Reserve Forces Duty Scholarship Opportunities

There are a number of other scholarships available for students interested in serving in the Army National Guard or Reserves after college. These cadets are part of the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) where they serve their National Guard or Reserve commitment and concurrently participate in Army ROTC. The Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) program is designed for cadets who are interested in obtaining a commission in the National Guard or Army Reserves with a guarantee for a reserve component assignment. 奖学金 provide money for tuition and/or room and board, and range in length up to three years. Scholarship recipients also receive a book allowance and a monthly stipend. These cadets also receive weekend drill and annual training pay as participants in the Simultaneous Membership Program.


  • 2-, 2.5年或3年奖学金
  • $10,000 per year in scholarship benefits to be applied to tuition or living expenses
  • 每年1200美元的书费津贴
  • $420 per month living allowance (for 10 months a year)
  • 必须成为SMP(见上文)
  • Must be aligned in both academics and 密尔itary science courses to graduate and commission in 2-3 years
  • Must actively drill as a Cadet with a National Guard or Army Reserve Unit (where the Cadet will receive drill pay as an E-5, $392.(2018历年每月56元)
  • 8-year commitment in the Reserve Component (ARNG or USAR) (6 in an active drilling status and 2 in the Inactive Ready Reserve)
  • CANNOT use Chapter 1606 or Chapter 1607 Montgomery G.I. 比尔的好处 while receiving a Dedicated GRFD scholarship
  • CANNOT revoke Dedicated GRFD scholarship nor request active duty immediately after college

Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) Scholarship

  • $10,000 per year in scholarship benefits to be applied to tuition or living expenses
  • 每年1200美元的书费津贴
  • $420 per month living allowance (for 10 months a year)
  • 必须成为SMP(见上文)
  • Must be aligned in both academics and 密尔itary science courses to graduate and commission in 2 years
  • Must actively drill as a cadet with a National Guard or Army Reserve Unit (where the cadet will receive drill pay as an E-5, $392.(2018历年每月56元)
  • 8 Year commitment in the Reserve Component (ARNG or USAR) (6 in an active drilling status and 2 in the Inactive Ready Reserve)
  • 有权获得任何和所有获得的G.I. 比尔的好处
  • CANNOT revoke GRFD scholarship nor request active duty immediately after college


联系人:CPT DeMarius Huff
电子邮件: demarius.j.发怒.密尔@army.密尔
470-791-7565 (细胞)


联系人:SFC Nathan Patterson
电子邮件: 内森.s.帕特森.密尔@army.密尔
812-454-2332 (细胞)