
There are two student organizations specific to the mechanical engineering program. Students are encouraged to get involved with these organizations while at UE.


The American Society of 机械工程 was founded in 1880 as an educational and technical society. Today it is the largest and most prestigious 机械工程 society in the world with over 115,000个成员. As a member of the student section of ASME at 英国威廉希尔中文网站, mechanical engineering students can participate in a wide variety of activities and services of this national organization. 毕业后, student members are eligible to upgrade their membership status to associate member and gain additional benefits. The local student organization participates in a variety of social and technical activities, 包括:

  • 本地分组会议
  • 工业旅游
  • Joint 会议 with the local ASME parent section
  • 区域和国家ASME会议
  • Networking with guest speakers from business and industry
  • Development of leadership skills as an officer in the local Section
  • 高年级学生奖学金机会
  • Participation in the competition for the Allied Signal Award

The Allied Signal Contest is a regional competition of student ASME sections. The 英国威廉希尔中文网站 is in Region VI which includes all of Indiana, 以及伊利诺伊州的大部分地区, 威斯康辛州, 俄亥俄州, 和肯塔基州. Each student section is graded for the quality of their activities in the areas of membership development, 会议, 旅行, 出版物, 社会及特别活动, participation in the Regional Student Conference, as well as in the student honors and awards program of the Society. The ASME Student Section at UE has won or placed second in the Allied Signal Competition 9 of the last 10 years. 达到并保持这种区别, the local Section actively promotes student member participation in a wide variety of activities.

τ Sigma

τ Sigma is the national honorary fraternity for mechanical engineers. The fraternity was founded at the University of Illinois in 1915, 耶鲁大学斐罗分会成立于1986年. The primary purpose of τ Sigma is to recognize those mechanical engineering students whose academic achievements, 字符, and attitude place them at the head of their class. Membership in τ Sigma is by invitation based on election by the active members of the chapter. 有资格获得考虑, a junior must rank in the upper 25% of the class and a senior must rank in the upper 35% of the class. 进入UE章节, 一次性缴纳国家会费, 就会成为τ Sigma的终身会员. τ Sigma activities emphasize scholarship and service. Members have served as underclass tutors and often serve as guides and laboratory assistants for special events such as Engineering Open House. τ Sigma often co-sponsors activities such as tours and speakers with ASME.



The 汽车工程师学会 (SAE) was founded in 1905. SAE is a non-profit educational and scientific organization dedicated to advancing mobility technology to better serve humanity. 近70,000名工程师和科学家, SAE成员, develop technical information on all forms of self-propelled vehicles including automobiles, 卡车和公共汽车, 非公路用设备, 飞机, 航空航天汽车, 海洋, 铁路, 交通系统.

Mechanical engineering students at UE have been primarily involved in the SAE Mini-Baja competition. The Mini-Baja is a small ATV racer which uses an 8 HP Briggs & Stratton引擎. Students design and build a chassis of their choice, but the engine cannot be modified. The competition consists of static and dynamic categories. The static events focus on how well the vehicle was engineered, while the dynamic events determine which vehicle performs best on various off-road courses. The Mini-Baja is an annual competition sponsored by SAE for engineering students. Approximately 70 engineering schools across North America compete in this activity.


The 女工程师学会 is a national organization with student sections on each engineering campus. The section is an interdisciplinary organization with membership cutting across all the engineering disciplines and is also open to men who are interested in the mission and activities of the group. The mission of SWE is to encourage women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, to expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, 并展示多样性的价值.