Pre-physical Therapy

Choosing a Major

  • Pre-physical therapy students must choose a major (pre-PT is not a major).
  • Commonly chosen majors include exercise science, public health, health services administration, neuroscience, and psychology.
  • Any major is acceptable, as long as the student completes all pre-PT requirements.
  • Consult the pre-professional physical therapy advisor – Jennifer Simon.

Direct Entry 入学 Requirements

  1. Submit application to UE by November 1.
  2. Be active in volunteer or work experience and leadership in extracurricular activities.
  3. Conduct an interview with a PT faculty member.

Track Options

  • 3 + 3跟踪: 3 years of undergraduate and prerequisite course work + 3 years of professional (DPT) course work
  • 4 + 3跟踪: 4 years of undergraduate and prerequisite course work + 3 years of professional DPT course work

DPT 入学 Requirements

Prior to entering the DPT degree program, each student must complete the following prerequisite courses:

  • Statistics (1 semester)
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology (2 semesters with labs)
  • General Chemistry (2 semesters with labs)
  • General Physics (2 semesters with labs)
  • General Biology (1 semester with lab)
  • Psychology (1 semester)
  • Medical Terminology (1 semester)

Direct Entry students must also meet the following undergraduate requirements to matriculate into the DPT program:

  • Achieve a 3.35 or higher cumulative GPA and a 3.35 or higher in science and statistics prerequisite course work. Earn a C or higher in ALL undergraduate course work.
  • Complete 20 observation hours in at least two PT settings each undergraduate year.
  • Be involved in at least one campus activity each semester.