
Students will benefit from practical, hands-on experiences under the guidance of a practicing professional in exercise physiology, 健康, 营养, or physical therapy. 项目 for an internship include 健康, physical and cardiac rehabilitation, employee fitness, 健身中心, work performance, and sports medicine. The internship is designed to enhance the student's professional preparation by application of fundamental concepts previously learned. These internships differ from the athletic training clinical experiences.

Recent 实习

Internship Objectives

Objectives of an internship include (where applicable) but are not limited to:

  • Fitness assessment:
    • Maximal and sub-maximal aerobic testing
    • Body composition analysis
    • Strength Testing
    • Blood pressure evaluation both at rest and during exercise
    • Exercise Prescription according to the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines
    • Cardiac risk factor screening
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation:
    • Phases I, II and III
    • Risk factor screening
    • 心电图
    • Electrode placement
    • 解释
  • 营养:
    • Diet assessment
    • Weight management programs
    • Nutrition counseling
  • Physical Rehabilitation:
    • Assess proper body mechanics
    • Evaluation and prescription following de-conditioning or immobility
    • Range of motion exercises

Experience with varied populations:

  • 老年医学
  • 孩子们
  • 障碍

Exercise leadership:

  • Lead exercise or fitness programs
  • 有氧
  • Strength Training

Program Development:

In addition to the above, the intern should:

  • Initiate a program in a special area of interest
  • Be involved with the personnel and participate in meetings and workshops
  • Study the current scientific literature related to the internship site
  • Observe or participate in the administration of the internship site.

Current students seeking information on obtaining an internship, please visit the Public Health 实习 资源 网页.