Frequently Asked Questions

UEvansville Fund Gift Allocation on Restricted Gifts

What is the UEvansville Fund Gift Allocation on Restricted Gifts?

埃文斯维尔基金捐赠分配是对埃文斯维尔基金的一次性捐款,用于限制捐赠和认捐. 这笔拨款将有助于维持和投资于大学的运作, which includes the Office of University Advancement. Further, 它将有助于大学发展办公室向捐助者和大学提供透明和负责任的报告的能力, maintain accurate donor records, effectively manage and invest monies on behalf of the University, 并继续为校友和朋友提供慈善机会,使英国威廉希尔中文网站受益.


埃文斯维尔基金捐赠分配将提高我们增加对英国威廉希尔中文网站的私人捐赠的能力. To be effective, 筹款需要财政业务资源来支付与募捐有关的费用, processing, and stewarding private contributions to all areas of campus.

How will the UEvansville Fund be applied?

Upon receipt of a restricted gift or pledge, 大学将从捐赠金额中扣除一次性拨款. 而UEvansville基金对个人基金的影响很小, 其集体影响将鼓励整个大学的私人支持持续增长.

This allocation will apply as follows:

  • 5% on all gifts less than $500,000
  • 3% on all gifts equal to or in excess of $500,000.
  • 单笔捐赠评估的UEvansville基金捐赠分配的最高金额不得超过250美元,000.

Not at all. UEvansville基金捐赠分配将自动从您选择捐赠或承诺的有限金额中扣除. 你不需要增加你的捐献金额来支付分配额, although some may choose to do so. 你的限制性捐赠或承诺总额的5%将分配给埃文斯维尔基金, 95%将直接受益于您选择支持的UE计划. 您将获得全额捐赠信用和100%的税收抵免.



Does the UE Fund Gift Allocation apply to gifts to endowed funds?

Yes. 埃文斯维尔基金捐献分配适用于所有为建立或捐献捐赠基金而作出的限制性捐献和承诺. 它不影响捐助者的认可或命名机会,捐助者将获得全部捐款金额.

Does the UE Fund Gift Allocation apply to pledge payments?

No. 当有限的承诺被作出时,一个一次性的埃文斯维尔基金捐献分配将适用. 限制捐赠承诺的付款将不会被评估为额外的埃文斯维尔基金捐赠分配.

What about gifts made by credit card or gifts of stock?

UEvansville基金捐赠分配适用于通过信用卡和通过转让股票或证券进行的限制性捐赠. 为我们的捐助者简化这些交易,并使这些礼物指定的联合国地区受益, 大学将承担由大学发展办公室处理的信用卡的任何信用卡处理费, 以及与股票或证券转让有关的任何手续费.

UEvansville基金捐献分配是否适用于定期自动捐献(信用卡), EFT, payroll deduction, etc.)?

Yes. 埃文斯维尔基金捐献分配将适用于所有经常性、限制性捐献.


Yes. Endowment minimums are based on the donor’s total gifted amount, 而不是埃文斯维尔基金捐赠分配的净投资金额.

What about matching gifts?

Yes. The UEvansville Fund Gift Allocation does apply for matching gifts.


If an in-kind, non-cash, or real estate asset is sold, and the net proceeds benefit UE, 那么,UEvansville基金捐赠分配将从该项目出售所得的净收益中收取. If the in-kind contribution or service is not sold, then the UEvansville Fund Gift Allocation will not apply.

Can the UEvansville Fund Gift Allocation be waived?

The UEvansville Fund Gift Allocation cannot be waived, but there are specific instances where it will not apply. 从UE车牌计划和UEvansville基金收到的礼品收入是免税的. UEvansville基金捐赠分配将不适用有书面政策声明它将不支付捐献费的私人基金会. 埃文斯维尔基金捐献分配将不适用于非现金捐赠(实物), service, real estate) that will not or cannot be sold.


Yes. 捐献人可以选择增加他们的捐献金额来抵销evansville基金捐献配配额,以确保他们更多的捐献被直接用于他们希望支持的UE地区.