


前提条件:注册HPE博士学位.D. 课程或学历证书
Description: A study of select-testsed topics in pedagogy with emphasis on recent research and theory in the disciplines of health professions education. 本课程包括卫生系统和交付主题, 跨学科问题, 以及不同的课程设计. Instructional strategies that facilitate critical thinking and clinical reasoning and incorporate a variety of teaching and learning styles into health professions education programs will be explored and discussed. 道德原则, 完整性, and compliance issues associated with teaching and learning will be discussed and presented through individual and in-class activities including syllabus construction and classroom activity development.
前提条件:注册HPE博士学位.D. 课程或学历证书
描述:通过课程活动, students will become familiar with institutional missions and their effects on institutional culture, 理解组织/治理模型, 熟悉学术教师的角色和职能, 探索获得和维持学术任命的策略, and investigate the relationships between professional preparation programs in healthcare professions and the larger institutions in which they are housed. 学生将促进研讨会讨论, 检讨代表性院校的晋升及任期指引, 完成初步的职业规划. 提供为期7周的模块.
先决条件:hpe - 500
描述:提供基于证据的教学框架的课程. 本课程将帮助学生发展自己的教学理念, 设计对齐良好的课程, 收集和评估证据, 并最终将学习的科学应用到常见的教学实践中. 探索各种教学策略, 包括实际操作评估, 模拟, 讨论, 以及基于作业的活动. 学生还将学习在循证实践中克服常见障碍的策略.
先决条件:hpe - 505
课程描述:本课程将探讨学术, 政治, 法律, 政府, 金融, and other influencers that higher education leaders are forced to consider as they lead their institutions into the future. 提供为期7周的模块.
hpe - 520:学生和项目评估(3学分)
先决条件:hpe - 510 & hpe - 550
Description: This course examines the importance of valid and reliable assessment data to support student learning, 还有理论, 技术, 方法, and program evaluation models currently used in assessing the effectiveness of various programs in higher education. 学生将学习适当的选择方法, 政府, and interpretation of assessment data and how to lead the process of using student and graduate assessment data for instructional and programmatic decision-making to continue to improve outcomes.
HPE-525: Core Concepts of Interprofessional Education: Education, Practice, and Research (1 credit)
先决条件:hpe - 510
Description: This course seeks to provide students with an appreciation of the diversity of knowledge and perspectives that are possible in interprofessional teams that can ultimately enhance patient care, 公共服务, 和研究. 提供为期7周的模块.
先决条件:hpe - 520
Description: Explores the theories that form a foundation for all health professions educators. 本课程的主要重点是教授学生基础理论, 综合应用, 以及当今高等教育中的社会认同发展. 包括具体的理论依恋, 适应和恢复力, 认知, 运动学习, 赋权, 失去和悲伤, psycho-immunology, 学生发展, 以及社会对被污名化群体的反应. 将理论应用于跨专业的实践和贯穿整个生命周期的研究设计.
先决条件:hpe - 525
本课程探讨领导理论、概念和实践. Students will identify leaders and leadership styles and apply the knowledge to better understand and positively affect their organization, 业务, 或机构. 还包括强调道德过程及其在领导中的应用. 提供为期7周的模块.
先决条件:hpe - 600
在线环境下的教学方法. It will teach students what it means to deliver effective online content by utilizing the positive aspects of technology to deliver a beneficial educational learning experience. Students will learn how to create student-centered learning opportunities and how to develop active learning activities.
先决条件:hpe - 600
描述:在本课程中, students will apply educational theories and skills learned through this field-based course. 学生将与经验丰富的教育工作者合作完成90小时的实习. 学生可以选择在不同的环境中完成这一体验, 包括教室, 实验室, 与学生或病人的临床环境, 和仿真.
先决条件:hpe - 500, hpe - 520, 或成功修毕6小时卫生专业教育证书
Description: This course is 设计ed to prepare the student to meaningfully contribute to health professions education. The student will partner with an experienced educator to apply educational theories and skills learned throughout the health professions education certificate.


hpe - 550研究方法(3学分)
前提条件:注册HPE博士学位.D. Program or Research Certificate Description: Explores common 设计s utilized in health professions research, 强调对现有证据的批判性评价. 主题包括实验和非实验研究设计, 系统评价, 和荟萃分析.
先决条件:hpe - 550
描述:本课程综合了基本原理, 的理论基础, 设计, 方法, 分析, 以及与定性研究相关的伦理问题. 学生将分析定性研究的五种方法, 包括叙事, 现象学, 扎根理论, 民族志, 案例研究.
先决条件:hpe - 550
描述:帮助学生编写代码, 分析, 并解释来自卫生专业研究的数据. 主题包括测量的尺度, 集中趋势测量, 摘要统计信息, 变量识别, coding and analyzing parametric and nonparametric data using statistical software (Shapiro-Wilk, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, t, 曼惠特尼大学, 方差分析, 克鲁斯卡尔-沃利斯, 线性回归).
先决条件:hpe - 570
描述:帮助学生编写代码, 分析, and interpret advanced statistical analyses to determine relationships between factors and differences between groups. 主题将包括逻辑回归、优势比和元分析.
hp -655:学术写作(1学分)
先决条件:hpe - 550
Description: Prepares the graduate to meaningfully contribute to research 设计 and 分析 in health professions. 主题包括综合文献, 发展研究问题, 制定科学的传播策略, 确定资金来源. 提供为期7周的模块.
先决条件:hpe - 650 & hpe - 655
描述:这是三门课程指导论文系列中的第一门课程. 本课程支持论文提案的发展. 学生将选择一位教师导师, 确定一个研究问题, 开始一个系统的回顾, and submit a study protocol to the Institutional Review Board at the appropriate organization(s). Successful completion of the course requires defending the dissertation proposal in a formal proposal hearing. 本课程最多可复读4次
HPE-690-02: Capstone研讨会研究(1小时)
先决条件:hpe - 650
Description: This course is 设计ed to prepare the student to meaningfully contribute to research 设计 and 分析 in health professions. 学生将确定一位正在进行研究的教员, 协助录入和分析数据, 以及在适当的公共平台上传播调查结果.


先决条件:hpe - 660
描述:这是三门课程指导论文系列中的第二门课程. This course supports the development of the dissertation research through regular meetings with the faculty mentor. Students will complete the systematic review from HPE-660 and format it for submission to a peer-reviewed journal, 为他们的论文研究项目收集数据, 然后开始起草论文. Successful completion of the course requires submission of the systematic review to a peer-reviewed journal.
先决条件:hpe - 700
描述:这是三门课程指导论文系列中的第三门课程. This course supports the completion of the dissertation research through regular meetings with the faculty mentor. Students complete the dissertation research project from HPE-700 and format it for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. Successful completion of this course requires the completion of the dissertation thesis and an oral defense of the project. 本课程最多可复读4次.