
Anthropology photo collage of various people and places

The interdisciplinary nature of the major provides the necessary preparation to attend graduate school or go directly into the workforce. In addition, students are able to pursue a double major and minor in other areas of study such as 考古, 社会学, 刑事司法, 生物学, 护理.

In addition to the university general education requirements Anthropology Majors must take:


  • 文化人类学
  • ANTH 301专题: 介绍 to Physical Anthropology
  • ARCH 192入门考古学研讨会


  • ANTH 310北美本土文化
  • ANTH 315大平原印第安人
  • ANTH 319非洲人民
  • ARCH 105希腊考古学入门
  • ARCH 106罗马考古学入门
  • ARCH 206 介绍 to Near Eastern 考古
  • ARCH 207 介绍 to Egyptian 考古
  • 公元309年伊特鲁里亚人
  • ARCH 311叙利亚-巴勒斯坦考古学


  • ANTH 200世界史前史
  • ANTH 301专题
  • 人类进化
  • 语言人类学
  • ANTH 453宗教人类学
  • ANTH 494定向研究
  • ARCH 320考古主题
  • BIOL 310 History of Life – offered every other fall, requires 100-level 生物学
  • 进化与生态学(4小时.) – requires BIOL 118 which is a spring course
  • 生物学331遗传学(4小时.) – requires BIOL 119 which is only offered in the fall
  • BIOL 450 Evolution – only offered every other year and sometimes at Harlaxton; requires BIOL 320 which is offered only in fall
  • SOC 230现代社会问题
  • SOC 337 Social Aspects of Health and Health Care
  • SOC 386死亡与临终
  • 全球化与环境
  • SOC 438种族与民族关系


  • 实习
  • ANTH 497 Internship in Teaching Anthropology
  • BIOL / EXSS 112 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4 hrs.)
  • BIOL / EXSS 113 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4 hrs.)
  • BIOL 415 Biostatistics Computational Biology (4 hrs.) – only offered every other fall, requires BIOL 320 which is a fall course
  • BIOL 425 Developmental Biology – spring every other year
  • bio455基因组学
  • COMM 210专业口语
  • 跨文化交际
  • CJ 205刑事司法概论
  • CJ 354法医科学概论
  • PH 360社区保健和社会正义
  • PSYC 245 Statistics for Psychologists (4 hrs.)
  • PSYC 246 Research Methods in Psychology (4 hrs.)
  • qm227统计学概论
  • 社会研究方法(4小时.)
  • SOC 344 介绍 to Behavioral Statistics (4 hrs.)
  • TESL 300语言学入门

高级研讨会(一般). Ed.):拱400


Introduces the field of prehistoric 考古 and traces the evolution of culture from the earliest stone tools to the formation of ancient civilizations in both the Old and New Worlds.
Studies societies all over the world, from hunter-gatherers to industrial states. Explores the range of variation in forms of subsistence technology, 家庭, 政府, 宗教, 以及其他机构. 试图解释文化差异.
ANTH-103 Biological Anthropology (3 credits)
Investigates the biological aspects of human variation and behavior from ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Stresses evolutionary theory and human diversity.
Introduces the field of prehistoric 考古 and traces the evolution of culture from the earliest stone tools to the formation of ancient civilizations in both the Old and New Worlds.
Studies societies all over the world, from hunter-gatherers to industrial states. Explores the range of variation in forms of subsistence technology, 家庭, 政府, 宗教, 以及其他机构. 试图解释文化差异.
ANTH-224 Anthropology of Religion (3 credits)
Provides a critical evaluation of anthropological explanations of various forms of religious behavior such as magic, 萨满教, 仪式, 和巫术.
ANTH-301 Special Topics in Anthropology (3 credits)
Topics chosen on the basis of programmatic need or student interest. 前提条件:人类学200或207.
ANTH-310 Cultures of Native North America (3 credits)
Surveys the origins, 史前 and traditional 生活方式 of the Native Americans. Studies representative societies from each of the major culture areas. Prerequisite: ANTH 200 or 207; 或者导师的许可.
ANTH-313 SE的培养. 亚洲(3学分)
Survey of the peoples and cultures of Southeast Asia. 主题包括史前, 欧洲殖民主义, 经济和社会组织, 宗教信仰, 城乡贫困, 以及环境转型. 先决条件:ANTH 101或ANTH 102
ANTH-315 Indians of the Great Plains (3 credits)
Covers the buffalo-hunting societies of the American West, 它们的栖息地, 史前, 生活方式, 以及与美国的战争. Prerequisite: ANTH 200 or 207; 或者导师的许可.
调查非洲地理, 历史, representative societies from different regions of the continent. Prerequisite: ANTH 200 or 207; 或者导师的许可.
Outlines the stages of hominid biological and cultural evolution, with attention to human variation and the primates. 前提条件:人类学200或207.
Examines evolutionary theories regarding the origins and functions of religious behaviors, 包括萨满教, 精神占有, 祖先崇拜, 和占卜.
ANTH-440 Linguistic Anthropology (3 credits)
调查语音学和音韵学, 形态, 语法, 儿童语言习得, 语言的起源, 历史语言学, 民族语言学, 和社会语言学. Prerequisite: ANTH 200 or 207; 或者导师的许可.
ANTH-453 Anthropology of Religion (3 credits)
Explores theories of religious beliefs and behavior in non-Western societies. Covers cosmology, myth, 仪式, religious specialists, dynamics. Prerequisites: Six hours of anthropology; 初级或高级职位.
参见社会学494. Prerequisites: Nine hours of anthropology; 初级或高级职位; permission of instructor.
实习 available to majors of 初级或高级职位 who have completed core courses. GPA requirements must be met and student must file an internship application with advisor.
ANTH-497 Internship in Teaching Anthropology (1 - 2学分)
Provides majors of 初级或高级职位 with a comprehensive, supervised field experience in teaching and anthropological pedagogy. Designed for students who are preparing for graduate study in the social sciences. GPA requirements must be met and students must file a teaching internship application with advisor. 前提条件:社会学-人类学专业, sponsorship by the supervising faculty member, 初级或高级职位, 或者导师的许可. 1 - 2学分.