教育与健康科学学院 ——2021年6月


Welcome to summer 和 the second edition of our 教育与健康科学学院 Newsletter.  春季学期结束了一个充满挑战的学年, 为退休的学生和教师举行表彰仪式, 研究生项目编号, 专业花石墙壁, 2020年和2021年毕业生的毕业典礼. 庆祝活动, 尽管今年看起来有所不同, 是重要的,因为我们认识到这么多人的成就. 我们期待着秋天的到来,期待着一个更加正常的学年的回归.


秋天将给我们学院的构成带来变化. The Center for the Advancement of Learning will re-locate to the new College of Business 和 Engineering. 我们一定会想念中心的同事们, but we will continue to support their programs for adults who wish to advance their educations or careers.


We are hopeful that you enjoy the updates provided in these newsletters 和 learn about the amazing things our students are faculty are doing. Please feel free to share your thoughts about what you like 和 what you would like to see more of!



玛丽P. 凯斯勒




DaLisa McCallum ’20 is a graduate of the education program who was named the Beginning Teacher of the Year in her first year of teaching at S和y Grove Middle School in North Carolina.



教育学院的学生在学年末组织了一次社会活动. Students 和 faculty gathered – socially distanced – outside on the East Terrace Lawn to celebrate the end of another semester.



教育学教授, 戴维斯贝拉米, 博士学位, 乔治·伊伯, 博士学位, 今年,两人都从教育学院退休,他们在牛津大学总共执教了36年. 学校种树以纪念他们的服务.



Four UE education students were named as IACTE 杰出未来教育家 at a ceremony this spring. 获胜者是Kenlea Meeker(中学教育), 亚历克莎·巴特勒(中学教育), 艾萨克·塞勒斯(特殊教育), Allie Bethe(小学教育). Sharon Gieselmann, 博士学位, chair of the school of education, joined the four for an honorary luncheon.



祝贺公共卫生专业的学生莱西·索尔曼和汉娜·帕特森, 还有帕亚尔·帕特尔-多瓦拉塔巴迪, 博士学位,  on their achievement of Best Student Paper Co-Award for their presentation of College Student’s Perceptions of Vaccines in 2020. Their paper was presented at the Business 和 Health Administration Association International Conference in March.



Aces United is a group of students that formed in the Spring 2021 to provide service to the community as well as the 英国威廉希尔中文网站. 在这学期,学生们组织并执行了几个服务项目. 他们的第一个项目是制作贺卡,并将其送到当地的养老院, 这给居民们带来了阳光. 这些是在复活节周末送到的.


他们的第二个项目, 学生们制作了卡片,并邀请所有的学生参加. Those cards were distributed at the beginning of May to 550 staff members along with a cookie as a thank you for all they do, 尤其是在充满挑战的一年里.

ace United还举办了一场卡片制作活动,为UE员工制作卡片.


The Center for the Advancement of Learning congratulates all of our adult students who received their undergraduate 和 graduate diplomas during the commencement ceremonies in May. 这些学生学习很努力, 在充满挑战的环境中坚持不懈, 并最终达到了他们的学术目标. We wish this group of inspiring individuals the very best 和 know they all have great things ahead of them!



祝贺2020届和2021届物理治疗博士毕业生! 周五,为纪念2020届和2021届毕业生举行了戴帽和别针仪式, 5月7日, 在艾克坎普大厅, 里奇韦大学中心. 这些活动的特色是教师, 校友, 和 class speakers along with faculty advisors presenting the doctoral hoods 和 pins to each graduate. The physical therapy faculty also presented awards for outst和ing achievements in areas of academics, 临床表现, 并领导以下毕业生:

杰出物理治疗师奖:Meghan Luczkowski, DPT ' 20和Mackenzie Manning, DPT ' 21.
杰出临床表现奖:雷切尔·亨里克森DPT ' 20和亚当·格兰南,DPT ' 21

凯尔Matsel, 博士学位 was recognized with the Mary Bennett Award of Excellence: Outst和ing Physical Therapy Professor of the Year by both the 2020 和 2021 classes.

肖恩Bagbey, 家长会, 尼古拉斯, ATC和克雷格·菲弗, 尼古拉斯, PT were recognized with the Friend of Physical Therapy Award for their dedicated service to students, 毕业生和教师. Bagbey是康复中心的首席运营官 & 表演学院的长期兼职教师和uepta项目的支持者. 克雷格是该研究所的总裁兼首席执行官.

The Ace CARE Volunteer of the Year Awards are presented each year to local physical therapists who give their time 和 expertise to support Ace CARE participants 和 our students. 今年,我们表彰了菲利斯·芬尼曼,PT, DPT, PCS和汉娜·拉马尔,PT, DPT ' 19, ATC. Fenneman, 委员会认证的儿科临床专家, 在从事了40年的物理治疗工作后于2017年退休. LaMar已经成功完成了UE/St. 文森特神经内科住院医师项目.

主席贝瑟尼·休伯纳(Bethany Huebner)颁发了退休和服务表彰, PT, DPT, SCS, MTC to Kyle Kiesel in appreciation of his many contributions to the University 和 physical therapy program. Dr. Kiesel retired at the end of this academic year after serving 21 years as a professor 和 the department chair from 2014-19, leading the growth of the physical therapy program 和 transition to the Stone Family Center for Health Sciences. We are grateful for his leadership 和 positive impact on the faculty 和 students of physical therapy for over two decades as a passionate educator 和 advisor.



The 英国威廉希尔中文网站 (UE) has received accreditation for the Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice program from the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia 教育al Programs. 我们获得了五年的认证, 新护士麻醉项目的最高奖励金额是多少.


“获得这一认证地位对我们的项目来说是非常有益和令人兴奋的,梅丽莎·费奇说, DNP, CRNA, 谁担任项目主管. “We look forward to welcoming future students to the University 和 preparing them for successful careers in the field of nurse anesthesia.”

护士麻醉项目是一个九学期的研究生项目. Students receive a blend of classroom lecture 和 lab exercises from faculty members who possess many years of experience as certified registered nurse anesthetists, 或CRNAs. 在项目的第二年和第三年, 学生直接与三州地区的执业医师一起工作,并获得超过2,为许多类型的手术提供麻醉,临床时间为000小时, 包括全身麻醉, 区域麻醉, 镇静, 侵入性监测线的放置.


该项目的第一批学生于1月份开始上课. The application for the second cohort with January 2022 entry will be open June 1 through August 31. 请访问我们的网站了解更多信息.


在美国,对crna的需求正在增长. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 到2026年,就业预计将增长31%, 这比其他职业的平均速度要快得多. 2020年,CRNA的平均工资为189,190美元.



遵循COVID-19安全指南, 去年,我们没能亲自为UEPA的2020届毕业生庆祝. We were honored to recently complete the hooding of several members of this cohort 和 celebrate their accomplishments! This cohort had a 100 percent PANCE pass rate 和 are currently practicing in areas such as emergency medicine, 皮肤病学, ENT, 风湿病学, 整形外科, 神经学, 还有更多. We are grateful to these PA-Cs for their trust in the 英国威廉希尔中文网站 和 their service to their communities!



在5月的毕业典礼上,10名教育学院的学生获得了学位. 我们祝贺并祝愿所有的毕业生一切顺利!



The 教育与健康科学学院 hosted an interprofessional collaboration event 在艾克坎普大厅 last spring. 来自各个运动训练学科的学生, 教育, 护理, 和 Public Health came together in an engaging simulation experience that focused on the at-risk youth population facing homelessness.




这个月, 校友 Jeremy Buente ’08 和 Ryan Purkey ’06 came back to deliver STEM professional development for our elementary education majors 和 graduates. 他们强调使课堂教学系统化. 该项目得到了高等教育委员会的资助.


Jerrilee LaMar attended the commencement ceremony for the EVSC Medical Professions Academy at Central High School 和 presented the following students with UE scholarships:


Michaela Bayer (pre-PT)将收到以下信息:





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