著名的奖学金 信息

英国威廉希尔中文网站为寻求研究生和本科生国际奖学金的学生提供直接支持. 与以下每个机会相关的是一个校园联系人,以帮助指导申请过程. If you are interested in applying for one of these opportunities, please click on the appropriate link at the bottom of the page to submit your interest. 每个机会都链接到奖学金网站,以便学生可以研究并开始申请流程. All summary information found below is provided from the scholarship websites. 请注意,以下列出的所有奖学金都有一个校园申请/面试过程.


罗德奖学金是最古老的国际著名奖学金,于1902年成立,第一批美国学者于1904年入选. 这些综合奖学金被认为是对有才华的个人的投资,除了牛津大学的可用性之外,没有具体的学科限制. 奖学金为期两年,在适当的情况下可能会有第三年.

Application Deadlines and Due Dates for the Program:
  • 英国威廉希尔中文网站 Endorsement Process deadline is set by the Faculty Advisor
  • Contact Faculty Advisor and 罗兹 website for more information


Founded in 1953 by an act of Parliament, 至少有40名非常挑剔的年轻美国人被选中在英国高等教育机构的研究生阶段学习,偶尔也会在任何领域的本科阶段学习. 该奖学金的目的是巩固新兴领导人与英美两国人民之间深厚而深刻的联系. 综合奖学金为期22个月,在非常具体的情况下有机会延长第三年.

Application Deadlines and Due Dates for the Program:
  • See the 马歇尔 website and contact, Rob Griffith, UE faculty contact
  • Minimum GPA requirement of 3.70/4.0规模
  • 英国威廉希尔中文网站 学生s are a part of the Chicago Region


由美国国务院于1946年设立,旨在通过人员交流改善和加强美国与其他国家之间的相互了解和关系, 信息与人才. Selection is based on a variety of variables including academic record, foreign language preparation, 项目可行性, 个人资质, and pre-determined preference factors. 各种学科可能符合条件,国家的位置和可用性可能决定需求.

Application Deadlines and Due Dates for the Program:
  • 英国威廉希尔中文网站 application deadline is Mid to late January; please go to website for more information
  • All applications must be processed through designated program advisor
  • 所有申请人必须通过英国威廉希尔中文网站指定的富布赖特项目顾问提交申请
  • 有关所有申请必须以电子方式和纸质形式提交给IIE纽约办事处的日期的更多信息, please contact UE's faculty representative and go to IIE's website.

NSEP/David Boren (IIE)

The National Security Education Program (NSEP) provides a unique funding opportunity for U.S. 学生s to study world regions critical to U.S. interests (including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America & the Caribbean, and the Middle East). The countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded. In exchange for a commitment to work with the federal government, 美国人在世界上对美国未来安全至关重要的领域获得技能和经验. 重点是语言习得、能力和对国际政治和经济事务的理解.

Application Deadlines and Due Dates for the Program:
  • 英国威廉希尔中文网站 application deadline is Mid to late January; please go to website for more information
  • All applications must be processed through designated program advisor


This scholarship provides graduate scholarships in any discipline. Selection criteria include: academic achievement, 财务需要, 成功的意志, leadership and a commitment to community involvement.

Application Deadlines and Due Dates for the Program:
  • Go to 杰克·肯特·库克 website for deadline application information
  • Contact your faculty representative for specific information


This scholarship provides awards for U.S. 在两年制或四年制学院或大学接受联邦佩尔助学金的本科生参加世界各地的留学项目. 选拔标准包括(但不限于):具有不同种族背景的学生, demonstrated 财务需要, and a commitment to study in less visited countries.

Application Deadlines and Due Dates for the Program:
  • Go to 吉尔曼 for application dates and information.
  • All applications must be processed through designated program advisor


戈德华特奖学金授予有意在以下领域从事职业的大学生:科学, 数学, 和工程. The applicants are evaluated based upon their field of study, 职业目标, 以及申请人在各自领域做出重大贡献的潜力和奉献精神.

Application Deadlines and Due Dates for the Program:
  • Go to 戈德华特 website for more information about application deadlines


杜鲁门奖学金基金会的重点有两方面:一是寻找和表彰有杰出领导潜力、致力于政府工作的大三学生, the nonprofit or advocacy sectors, 教育 or elsewhere in the public service; And to provide them with financial support for graduate study, 领导力培训, and fellowship with other 学生s who are committed to 改变世界 通过公共服务.

Application Deadlines and Due Dates for the Program:
  • All applications must be processed through designated program advisor
  • Go to 杜鲁门 for application dates and deadlines.


The 尤德尔 Foundation seeks future leaders across a wide spectrum of environmental fields, 包括政策, 工程, 科学, 教育, 城市规划及更新, 业务, 健康, 正义, 和经济学. 该基金会还在公共和社区卫生保健领域寻找未来的美洲原住民和阿拉斯加原住民领袖, 部落政府, and public policy affecting Native American communities, including land and resource management, 经济发展, 和教育. In 2007, 基金会预计将根据成绩向符合特定标准的二年级和三年级学生颁发80个奖学金和50个优秀奖.

Application Deadlines and Due Dates for the Program:
  • All applications must be processed through designated program advisor
  • Go to 尤德尔 for applications dates and information.

Fund for Theological Education

At the Fund for Theological Education, our mission is to raise gifted and diverse young leaders for the church and the academy. We offer help for their journey, and you can be part of the movement to identify the next generation of pastors and scholars.

Application Deadlines and Due Dates for the Program:
  • Go to The Fund for application dates and information

威尔斯通的 & Villers奖学金

美国家庭, 一个全国性的非营利组织, nonpartisan organization dedicated to the achievement of high-quality, affordable 健康 care for all Americans, is accepting application for the 威尔斯通的ship for Social Justice and the Villers奖学金 for Health Care Justice. 威尔斯通社会正义奖学金旨在通过关注有色人种社区面临的独特挑战,通过医疗保健宣传促进社会正义. Through this fellowship, established to honor the memory of the late Senator Paul D. 威尔斯通, 美国家庭协会希望扩大来自弱势经济群体的社会正义倡导者的人才储备, 种族, 少数民族群体. Both fellowships are year-long, 全职, salaried position in 美国家庭's office in Washington, D.C. Each year, one candidate will be selected for each fellowship.

Harding Scholarship Competition

The nation’s most capable 学生s compete each year for the Harding Scholarship, which offers full tuition plus a $10,每年津贴.

As a Harding applicant, you also qualify for one of 许多其他奖学金 在MTSO.

Application Deadlines and Due Dates for the Program:
  • 访问 Harding's website for deadlines and more information

如果你是 学生 我们有兴趣联系英国威廉希尔中文网站的教职员工,了解这些奖学金项目, 请填写 Scholarship Interest Form for 学生s.

如果你是 校友还是校友 我是英国威廉希尔中文网站的学生,我有兴趣就这些奖学金项目威廉希尔中文网的教员, 请填写 Scholarship Interest Form for alumni.

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