




I wanted to enter the healthcare field in a position that allowed me to be a patient’s primary provider and create long-term relationships with my patients. I love that PAs aren't set to one specialty and therefore are able to adjust to changing healthcare needs. Another perk of going the PA track is that it got me through school and working with patients soonest!

为什么UEPA? 或者是什么使UEPA不同于其他PA项目?

这是一个紧密结合的项目,我们真的感觉像一家人! There is no faculty member I wouldn't feel comfortable talking with about whether it be academic or personal matters! Among students it’s clear that we are all working towards the same goal and we all want each other to get there, 因此,环境是支持性的,而不是竞争性的.


One of the biggest challenges I’ve had as a PA student is that no matter how much your friends and family love and support you, 他们永远不会完全理解私人管理学院这头野兽. 在学校里,你花了无数的时间学习、研究、测试和临床实习. 所有这些的规模都不是, 恭敬地, 除非你爱的人自己上过私立学校,否则他们会理解的. 做一名研究生是一份全职工作, 有时这意味着为了优先考虑学习, you have to pass on fun things you would normally do such as going home for a sibling's birthday, 去旅行, 或者去听音乐会. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, some of the best advice I can give is to not neglect your relationships with people not at school with you. 他们想尽办法支持你,只是有时候他们不知道该怎么做! I always made the effort to call my family every day to update them on cool things I learned/did, 让他们觉得自己是我人生旅程的一部分! 找时间赶上进度是很有挑战性的, 但就像所有的事情一样, 这是关于找到适合你的平衡.


在读私人助理之前,我在一个内科-外科部门做病人护理助理. 在这个角色中, 我得练习一些技术技能,比如抽血, 生命体征, 和电子病历中的文档. 更重要的是, this role helped me learn the workings of a medical care team including (but of course not limited to) your provider, 护士, 饮食的员工, PT, OT, RT, 社会工作,当然还有病人! The better you are able to understand the inner workings of a team and the roles that each care team member can play, 你就能更好地利用身边的资源来帮助你的病人!


尽早开始申请,熟悉所有需要的材料. 然后,逐个完成,给自己一个精神上的休息. 有些申请是时间敏感的(要求成绩单按时发送), 联系推荐人代表你提交一份推荐信, 等.),所以尽早开始做这些事情,这样就不会让你无法按时提交. 你先把这些都弄干净, 你可以开始填空了, 包括著名的个人陈述. 同样,要分块处理! Write a rough draft of first thoughts and then tweak it over the next weeks to months as you find additional ideas to add. You never know, the best line for your personal statement may come while you're in the shower!


相信自己! 自我怀疑是导致你走上不成功道路的首要因素之一. 无论你是在写个人陈述, 学校面试, 参加考试, 或者被导师拉皮条, 你必须相信你自己和你所拥有的基础! 骗子综合症是真实存在的, 相信我, but I always had to remind myself that I made it into PA school for a reason and I would make it out just fine.


我知道PA学校是一条漫长而充满挑战的道路,充满了大量的学习, 但我从来没有意识到有多少学习,直到我开始. 有很多材料一下子涌向你, 我从来没想过我能兼顾这一切. 当你学会如何安排你的时间时,事情就变得容易了, 什么材料最值得关注, and how to tie information from classes together so that you are actually understanding and now just memorizing. 学习方法的多样性是很重要的. 无论是和朋友一起学习,还是在健身房听播客, 试着用不同的方法复习你的信息,让它保持有趣!


不要误解我的意思,私人助理学校不是在公园里散步,但它也不一定是2.5年的痛苦! 关键在于你如何为自己做准备. 说到学习,质量远胜于数量. 例如, 2-3小时的专注, distraction-free studying where you actually retain the information you're reading will prepare you for that upcoming test much better than 5-6 hours “on-and-off, 拿起电话刷社交媒体, 一遍又一遍地重读同一页“学习”. 当事情变得有挑战性或者我精疲力尽的时候, 我总是告诉自己“我可以在____几个小时/几天/几周/几个月内做任何事情。.“为了明天的考试而学习:我可以多花3个小时做任何事情! 长时间开车的诊所:我可以在四周内做任何事情! 整个PA学校:我可以在28个月里做任何事情!


对我来说是H&P和技能! 虽然他们的内容和教义不同,但我喜欢他们的原因是一样的. These classes are when we get to finally tie things together and start feeling the realness of becoming a PA. Other classes provide us with the very necessary material on diagnoses and medication, and in H&P和技能 you finally get to apply these learnings and see how they directly translate to clinical practice. 这些课程不仅有趣而且实用, 但它们可以让你开始想象你作为私人助理的个人执业方式. 你能够决定如何最好地评估和治疗病人, 订单/获得实验室, 写下你的笔记.


我典型的教学日包括三个关键部分:课堂、学习和个人时间. 课程主要安排在上午8点开始.m.),进入午后(1点2分).m.). 下课后,一天中还有很多时间可以高效和放松. 我通常会在接下来的3-4个小时里学习, 要么复习过去几天的材料,要么准备即将到来的考试/测验. 有时这是独立学习, 还有一些日子,我和一群同学一起复习话题! Finally, and very importantly, I always made sure to allow myself personal time in the evenings. This ranged from working out to watching a movie to getting dinner with friends to having a group Facetime call with my family. It was always such a great way to wind down from my busy and stressful day and allow my brain to take a break before starting again in the morning!


我在私人学院最喜欢的部分是与周围的人建立关系. 我交了一辈子的朋友. 2.5年来,你周围都是和你有相同目标和激情的人, 这样就建立了即时联系. I couldn't be more grateful for my PA school friends who were there for me in times of stress and in times of celebration. It’s so exciting watching yourself and your peers be successful and gain conference in their practice!


不要过度分析,做你自己! 在面试的时候, 这个项目知道你的学术实力很强, 这就是你面试的开始. 现在是展示你自己的时候了. 要真实,知道你相信什么,为什么你想进入医疗保健作为私人助理. 练习面试,但你不希望被排练. 面试官想看到最真实的你!


要认识到,如果没有出口,你就无法保持最佳心态. 每周安排一些有趣的活动,就像学习一样——和朋友共进晚餐, 电影之夜, 健身时间, 等. 我总是把我的健康和睡眠放在首位, 因为那些东西对我来说很重要, 我知道,没有他们,我就不会在学业上取得成功. 显然,你会有一段时间,学校更忙,更需要强调学习, but there are also weeks when it's okay to cut an hour of studying out of each day to do something for yourself.


My favorite thing about the clinical year was finally getting to apply the knowledge and seeing it all come together in a hand-on experience. 虽然每次轮换的第一天有点神经紧张, 你很快就能适应病人的生活. Preceptors but also patients are so excited to be a part of your PA school journey and are eager to help you learn. I loved getting to learn new skills (even if it's scary and you don't get it right the first time) and see different perspectives on how to approach a patient case. 最重要的是, it was great to see a glimpse of what life will be like after finishing PA school and getting to work with your own patients!

你想学什么专业? 为什么?

I loved a lot of my outpatient rotations because I felt that the providers had established relationships with their patients. Seeing that was so important to me because in order for your patients to be open and honest about their health and life, 他们需要和你在一起感到舒适. 我喜欢了解我的病人,并与他们谈论他们目前的健康问题, 还有他们的生活! 和很多门诊专科一样, I like the idea of being able to follow patient problems from start to finish and really have that continuity of care.I also enjoyed the specialties where I was able to be a little hands on with in-office procedures such as dermatology, 整形外科, 家庭医学, 女性的健康.


临床一年里典型的一天因你轮转的专业而异. 在一般情况下, 你会开始你的一天,与你的导师开会,并查找你的病人. 一整天, 你会去看你的病人, 与你的导师讨论病人的情况, 完成他们的访问记录. 当你的一天结束, you complete personal logs of the patients you see and then spend the evenings studying for the specific end of rotation exam you are on. 临床年和教学年一样忙碌,但方式不同. 有些班是12小时一班,有些是8小时一班. 有时你会看15个病人,有时你会看50个!